Trevel* needs someone with first-hand knowledge of his world.
Trevel is a 30-year-old Black American male who isn’t a stranger to therapy. He has engaged in treatment since his young adult years and found it to be a beneficial experience. However, he always thought that something was missing.
He reached out for a new therapist, hoping to find someone who looks like him and can understand the world he experiences every day outside and the effects it has on how he processes the world.
Trevel wanted someone who could truly understand the struggles he faces in the workplace due to race and the looks and judgments he receives when dating outside his race or even growing up in a complicated family dynamic in his home.
Like Trevel, many people of color need to talk to someone living in their world.
Colorblindness isn’t our philosophy.
Colorblindness is the belief that you don’t see the color or the race of an individual. Everyone is perceived as the “same,” no matter their culture or background.
The problem with colorblindness is that by doing so, you miss the essence of that individual. We are all different, even those we want to group statistically.
Everyone should be able to embrace and celebrate their race and culture. To be denied that, even in a therapeutic session, doesn’t encourage you to be your authentic self.
We see you and want you to feel comfortable talking to us, almost like speaking with a close friend.
We are here to explore your specific life experiences.
Even though we might have the same racial background, we don’t necessarily live the same lives.
Here at Balanced Grace Therapy, we engage with you as an individual with specific life experiences. We don’t label you and put you in a box like society. Our approach involves listening to your perceptions so we can empathize with you more deeply because systematic racism, prejudice, and discrimination are a part of every minority’s upbringing.
So, when you speak about the emotions, unhealthy beliefs, and trauma patterns passed down generationally, trust me, we get it. They don’t define you; you can have and obtain the healthy relationships you pursue.
It’s okay to want familiarity with therapy. Give us a call today.
*This is a fictitious name and scenario used only to illustrate a real-life situation.